Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where oh where can my baby be?

Looks up. Today is my baby's last "month birthday." If I am being honest I am kind of sad about it. I cannot believe how fast this year has flown by. Everyone tells you how quickly it goes by, but you cannot truly understand it until you are living it.

It is pretty much a fact I don't have a baby anymore. He has been walking for almost 3 weeks. When I say walking, I mean walking. As in every where. He is also running now. He did the cute little baby waddle for all of 30 minutes (and this is not much of an stretch!) He follows me around the house and plays hide and go seek in the bedrooms by opening shutting door. He doesn't use the door knobs of course but he shuts it just enough that he can get his chubby little fingers to pry it back open.

He has not had a bottle in three days. He still drinks plenty of formula in a sippy cup throughout the day. He feeds every meal to himself with the exception of his morning yogurt. He says Momma, Dada, up, done, and yeah, although not on a regular basis yet. He is much more a walker than a talker. He is wearing 12 month clothes, but the silly boy can still fit is some 6-9 month onsies. I know he is a "big" boy, but he really is long and skinny.

He loves to give hugs and kisses. He has a monkey he carries around kissing all day. He LOVES to flirt by playing shy. He tucks his head into my chest and batts his eye lashes. He will not to go people he doesn't know well. People (family) always try to force him to come to them when he doesn't know who they are. I almost punched Claytons aunt the other day. It was the first time she had seen Brock in like 9 months. She literally tried prying him out of my arms. He was clinging to me and looked at me with the most terrified look in his eyes. I am sorry but no! I am not an overly protective momma, but I will not force him to go to someone he considers a stranger. .He is a momma's boy through and through. There are times he actually gets mad when Clayton gets him in the morning and not me. I think it upset Clayton and little, but I assured him the next one will more than likely be a daddy's boy/girl.

He is just a sweet natured little guy. He was even sharing the other day! I was very impressed.

My heart has grown by 100% in this last year. I am so blessed.


  1. Hey! I am glad to be back also!!! We are having Claire's pictures taken this week!!! We are so excited!!! I can't wait to post them on the the blog!

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